HOMO FOMO is made by an intergenerational team of queer artists. 
They are (in alphabetical order): 

Alyson     Campbell

Director, Co-Creator

Alyson Campbell is an award-winning director and dramaturg whose work spans a broad range of companies and venues in Australia, the UK and the US over the last 30 years. Works include 'Feral Queer Camp', 'promiscuous/cities', 'Cake Daddy', 'Colder', 'DFLTLX', 'GL RY/WHoLE', 'The Trouble with Harry' and 'Catapult'. Alyson is a Professor in Theatre at the Victorian College of the Arts, University of Melbourne, where her research, artistic practice as a director, teaching and activism converge around gender and sexuality.

Meta    Cohen

Concept  |  Sound Designer, Dramaturg, Co-Creator

Meta Cohen is a composer, sound designer,  dramaturg and Bad Queer with work spanning music, theatre and interdisciplinary art. Meta’s music features on Australia’s first queer classical album ('Spectrum': Divisi Chamber Singers), and their  queer song cycle 'a love is a love is a love', commissioned by ABC Classic, was released in June 2023. Recent theatre credits include the UK/European premiere of 'promiscuous/cities' (dir. Alyson Campbell) as part of the British Council’s UK/Australia Season in London. Meta is currently undertaking a PhD in queer performance, which they hope will make them a Better Queer.



Lighting designer, Co-Creator          

Emma Lockhart-Wilson is a creative artist based in lighting and spatial design for performance. She works collaboratively with performance makers to create visually cohesive work and has a strong interest in the interactivity of performer bodies and designed elements. Emma has designed lighting for companies including THE RABBLE, Australian Theatre for Young People, Monkey Baa, Applespiel, PACT Centre for Emerging Artists, DeQunicy Co. and Version 1.0. Emma is currently undertaking a PhD at the VCA, University of Melbourne, researching design practices and affect in the field of queer feminist performance in Australia. 




Kerith Manderson-Galvin is a Queer Femme non-binary performer and performance maker who creates unconventional works of theatre and performance art. Their work explores Queer femininity and radically soft performance that plays with time, reality and feelings. Kerith has performed across Australia in theatres, galleries, gigs, and art and music festivals including at RISING, RCC, Dark Mofo, Winter Wild, Provocare, Art Gallery of NSW. 

Peta    Murray


Peta Murray is a playwright, writer-performer, librettist and dramaturg. Best known for 'Wallflowering', she is also author of award- winning plays for young people, including 'Spitting Chips', and an adaptation of Tim Winton’s 'Blueback'. She has written more than 15 plays, all of which have seen professional production. Peta holds an MA in Playwriting from QUT and a PhD at from RMIT University, where she is a lecturer in the School of Media and Communication. Her research focus includes art-based activism, the generation of new secular rituals for navigating crises in times of change, and the investigation of innovative approaches to collaboration and artistic cross-pollination, based on “radical joy”, associative leaps and communal meaning-making. 


Performer, Co-Creator

Spanky (aka Rhys Morgan) is a multi-award winning Cabaret Artiste who graduated from Toi Whaakri/ NZ Drama school and began their “shabby drag” career in London at the famous east end venue Bistotheque holdong a residency for seven years and becoming the darling of the east end alt cabaret scene.
Spanky ‘s solo cabarets have performed all over Australia in festivals such as Fringeworld, Adeladie Fringe, Feast, Festival of Voices, Melbourne Cabaret Festival, Sydney Pride and the NZ International Festival of the Arts. Works include Candice McQueen Nasty, Dead Bitches, Matthew Mitcham’s Twists and Turns and Under the Covers. 

Nikki     Viveca

Performer, Co-Creator

Nikki Viveca is a slam poet, standup comedian, actress and burlesque performer. She has been seen most recently in Griffin Theatre’s epic Lewis Trilogy and in cabaret spectacular Gender Euphoria, which received a Community Inspiration Award at the 2023 Victorian Pride Awards and was an official show of Sydney World Pride. Her poetry is featured in the album “a love is a love is a love”, available through ABC Classic. Past shows include The Femme Commandments, ACEtravaganza,  Wasp Movie, Three Dollar Bill, The Lazy Show and Asexual Healing. She also scripted Back Pocket, a devised theatre show exploring queer joy, and is currently working on her first full length narrative play script. 
The HOMO FOMO team would like to thank the following artists who have contributed to the development of the piece: İbrahim Halaçoğlu, Cohan, Maude Davey, Hayley Edwards, Zachary Sheridan, Yuchen Wang and James Wardlaw.